Our next progression will be 9 weeks long. We will focus on the 3 basic Olympic Lifting movements Snatch, Clean and Split Jerk. We want to refine out technique and these lifts!
- Improving our technique allows us to feel more comfortable and confident when the lifts show up in workouts
- Also, improving our olympic lifting technique will improve our body awareness and technique with other movements to keep us safer in everyday life!
- We will be testing our lifts for base numbers at the beginning and retest at the end to see our progress
- We will use our base numbers through out the 9 weeks doing percentage work
We will also be working on bettering our skills with the rings through our Ring Muscle Up Progression!
- We want to develop our gymnastic strength and body awareness. This will help us not only with muscle ups, but with all of our other fun gymnastics!
- We will be doing some fun gymnastic skills we don’t usually get to do, station work, and gymnastic workouts!
- Remember just like a lifting progression we want to increase difficulty across the entire 6 weeks so start off with a scale that you can progress up from!
- There will be many tier levels to meet you at your skill level like we did previously with our Handstand Push Up work!
In general
- On days with lifting or gymnastics skill work, we will keep the workouts around 15 minutes or less to allow for good coaching, warm up and transition times.
- On days we don’t have those, we will be sneaking in the longer workouts!
- Make sure to come in Saturday mornings for our really long and fun partner workouts!
Dates to remember
- 4/8/23 Sign up for Kickball HERE!
- Attend the whole week of 4/10/23 and 6/5/23 because we will be testing our all of our lifts both of those weeks!