New Progression Starting 6/3

Hey TCF Fam!

During the next eight weeks, our goal is to gain strength and power in our squats and press. We will bounce back and forth between heavy and light/moderate weight each week. When percentages are down, the volume will increase, along with some added accessory that we will superset between lifts. This will help athletes generate stronger hip and arm drive, creating much more explosiveness off the start. 

Also, we are continuing with our Olympic Lifting once a week for strength as we ping pong back and forth between Squat Snatch / Power Snatch and Power Clean. One will always be programmed as the strength, while the other is implemented into one of the workouts for the week.

Squat Snatch Demo

Power Snatch Demo

Squat Clean Demo

Power Clean Demo

Front Squat Demo

Shoulder Press Demo

Stay tuned to our Weekly Update video every Sunday for a preview of the upcoming programming and any changes to our progression!

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