Committed Club

You probably signed up to be a member at Triangle CrossFit because you have some goals you want to achieve.

We believe that one of the best ways to hit your fitness goals is consistency, and because of that we’re going to start rewarding members who come 16+ days in a month.

Starting in September 2021, we’ll run an attendance report and if you’re showing up 16 days or more you’ll be in the Committed Club! Make sure you check yourself into your classes to get credit for coming!

Committed Club members will receive recognition in our monthly newsletter, posted on our social media and get entered into monthly drawings that happen on our social media on the first Thursday of every month, but the best part is we predict that Committed Club members will achieve the best results in their overall health and happiness!

If you win the monthly drawing then you also win a prize along with your great fitness results!

Again, don’t forget to check into your classes so you’ll be sure to get credit for coming!

If you have any questions, contact us at 919-600-9396 or email us at!

Schedule your free intro

Talk with a coach about your goals, make a plan to achieve them.

Fill out the form below to get started

Take the first step towards getting the results that you want

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