Why Mobility is Important

Why Mobility is Important

Many think mobility means flexibility but flexibility is only one component of mobility. Being able to move a joint through its full range of motion requires flexibility. Being able to comfortably sit back into a correct squat requires both flexibility and a degree of neuromuscular control.

Mobility plays a massive role in improving movement quality and preventing injuries throughout life. Mobility training benefits any type of workout but is often neglected. With more mobility, you will less likely develop chronic injuries or hit plateaus.

Mobility also remedies existing injuries and benefits form and performance. With mobility you are able to control the whole range or motion with just the muscles. Mobility refers to the strength of the muscle in this range of motion.

Mobility is essential because it prepares our bodies for the stress of training. Mobility training can also benefit your workout in three ways:

  1. A more effective warm-up: during mobility training blood is being moved to the surrounding tissues. Synovial fluid is also carried to the working joint which helps them guide more freely.
  2. Reduced risk of injury: if there is any restriction to a moving joint then there is high risk of injury.
  3. Improved technique and range of motion: when muscles and joints are more flexible we can get an increased range of motion. For example, if we have tight leg muscles then we will struggle to perform a squat or deadlift with correct posture.

Mobility is very important to incorporate into our fitness routine, especially if we are working out in any way.

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