The Future: Next Exciting Progression Starting 10/14/24 and going through 12/13/24

Next Exciting Progression!

What’s going on guys! It’s that time again, a new progression! Starting 10/14/24 for nine weeks, we will follow a modified version of the Russian Squat cycle to help improve power in our front squats and shoulder presses. The first three weeks are about establishing a baseline and getting comfortable with the weight while building up in volume. This is great for beginner or newer athletes to help ease in. Things start to get spicy in the fourth week as the weights increase, but reps drop. By the seventh week, athletes will lift 90%+ of their heavy singles for multiple reps. Week 7 and 8 have a percentage range for athletes who may want and have the ability to go a little heavier. 

Progression Layout

For our Olympic lifting, we are bouncing back and forth between Snatch and Clean & Jerk variations. This will allow us to lift heavy while fine-tuning some of the skills within each lift. Athletes can work through muscle snatches, snatch balances, push jerks/presses, and hang power cleans to help improve bar path and mobility within the lifts. We are building in the sets, which means athletes will use and progress with weights where consistency can be maintained.

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