How does CrossFit help you with Hyrox?

You might be asking yourself ‘What is Hyrox?’. Hyrox in a nontechnical sense is fitness racing. To go more in depth it is a combination of running and workout stations. You run 1km (~0.62 of a mile) and then complete a workout station and you go through this process 8 different times. The workout stations include different movements such as the ski erg, sled push, sled pull, burpee broad jump, rowing, farmers carry, sandbag lunges, and wall balls. 

The big question here is how does CrossFit help you with this type of workout? Well plain and simple you can see that the movements you are asked to perform in the workout stations are all movements we perform in a regular group class.CrossFit is known for combining some sort of cardio with other movements to help challenge your physical and mental abilities. Also, the workouts are different each and every day to keep you engaged and challenge your body to always adapt to new things.

Crossfit can help you accomplish many things, hyrox is just one of them! It can help you get stronger, be able to play with your kids longer, be able to walk up and down stairs longer, build muscle and lose fat, help with mental health, etc. There are so many benefits to CrossFit and being able to complete a hyrox race is just one of the great things it can help you with! 

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