Back to Basics: Exciting New Upcoming Progression 1/20-3/29!

When is the Progression?

January 20th – March 29th

What is the progression?

7 weeks of strength followed by a 3-week deload/maintainer during the TCF Open (10 weeks total)

We are starting the new year with our “Back to Basics” cycle. Unlike the past few years, this cycle will include multiple strength lifts to help athletes develop a well-rounded foundation. Our power lifts will concentrate on grunt work and stability training, aiming to improve activation, control, and bar path. Athletes will be encouraged to slow down their lifts with tempo work, perform dead-stop/pause exercises, and incorporate more posterior-dominant movements. We want athletes to start with lighter weights and build up while maintaining quality and consistency across all sets. This cycle is also an excellent opportunity for newer athletes to begin and progress while building strength and confidence.

We will follow a similar approach for Olympic lifting, focusing on strengthening and fine-tuning our skills through various lifts in the Snatch and Clean and Jerk. Remember, consistency is key; it’s not just about how much weight you can lift. We don’t want athletes to add weight simply to outlift others; our goal is to set everyone up for success in future workouts and cycles.

The first seven weeks of the cycle will feature a gradual progression in building strength and skill. In week eight, we will transition into a three-week maintenance phase. During this period, athletes will still have the opportunity to improve, but the volume will decrease slightly in preparation for the TCF Open.

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